
A Day in the Life of a Kindergartner

Whether it’s before beginning kindergarten or at the start of the year, a peek into another child’s day, in a similar setting, can ease children’s anxieties.

Together with children, watch Dhaviya learn, play, and help in kindergarten and at home. You can pause and talk about what you see, or ask these questions later:

  • What are some things Dhaviya is learning in kindergarten?
  • Dhaviya’s teacher says, “Close your eyes and think of something you’re going to do well in a few minutes.” Would you like to close our eyes and try this ourselves?
  • What does Dhaviya do when it’s his turn to be “mini-teacher”?
  • What letter does Dhaviya work on in the video? (V) Can you think of some words that start with V?
  • What are some things Dhaviya and his grandfather do together? Who is a special grown-up to you? What do you like to do together?