
Big Bird’s Comfy-Cozy Nest

Video presenting a strategy for coping with the effects of trauma.

Big Bird’s struggling after a confusing and upsetting thing happened, and Alan notices his friend’s having a hard time before Big Bird even says a word. As you watch this video together with children, notice the qualities Alan demonstrates during their conversation. As a supportive, trusted adult, he:

  • is patient, comforting, and a good listener
  • lets Big Bird know that he’s seen, heard, and cared for
  • helps provide a safe, calm environment
  • teaches strategies for self-soothing

The presence of a caring adult makes all the difference in the life of a child coping with the effects of trauma. Like Alan, you can communicate messages to children such as:

  • You’re not alone. I’m here for you.
  • I have some ideas about what we could do to help you feel better.
  • I’m listening to you. You matter.
  • What you say, feel, and think is important to me.
  • Let me help you put some words to your feelings.
  • Sometimes problems are too big to handle yourself. It’s smart to ask for help.
  • Let’s find a way to help you do or think about things you love.
  • Thank you for trusting me.
  • I’m interested in you and what’s happening inside you.
  • There are other adults who care for you, too.
  • It’s great to share a special time together.