
The Learning Team

Tips to keep in mind as your child sets out on their learning adventure.

As you send your child off to school, it’s comforting to know you’re not alone on this learning journey—you’re on a team with their teacher. They will try to give your child the best possible experiences for learning and growing, and by staying involved in their learning experience, you’re helping them feel supported on this new adventure. 

Here are some things to keep in mind as you form the learning team: 

  • You and your child’s teacher have the same goalto provide safe spaces, with lots of love and care, where your child can explore and learn. 
  • Your approach to achieving these goals may be different from their teacher’s, since school and home are different! Reassure your child that those differences are okay: “You do things differently at school than you do at home. You’re going to learn a lot in both places!” 
  • Sharing your child’s home routines, language, and culture with their teacher can help the teacher interpret their behavior, and help them adjust to school. Ask the teacher about ways you can help them get used to the classroom.